Buying UKPQ to use?
We will set up a UKPQ for completion if you call us or use our webshop. A full UKPQ
and premium report (including interview guidance, a narrative section, strengths
and development needs, team roles and leadership qualities) is just £150+vat.
To set up a UKPQ via our webshop, all you need is the name and e-mail address of
the person (or people) you wish to complete it. You can pay securely by any Debit/Credit
card via PayPal.
Click Here for our Web Shop
Complete the ukpq now
The UKPQ is a professionally-designed psychometric instrument. It has excellent reliability
and validity and can be used in a variety of circumstances. Normally these will include:
recruitment, selection, personal and professional development and counselling.
The sectors using UKPQ most are: Education, Healthcare, Finance, Pharmacy, Retail,
Wholesale, Insurance and Distribution.
If you have been asked to complete the UKPQ, you will have been given a login ID
and password. If you haven't, then please ask for them from the people who require
you to complete the UKPQ. If you have a login ID and password, and would like to
continue with the questionnaire, please click the 'Complete UKPQ' button below.
Please be honest with your answers - the only reason you have been asked to complete
the questionnaire is so that we can understand you better, and to consider your likely
approach to a number of situations. The results will not be viewed in isolation,
and will always be discussed and checked with you before use, as part of an ongoing
process of validation.
To complete the UKPQ now, Click Here